I know what it’s like to suffer physical and emotional loss

Reiki helped me and it can help you too

Reiki is a Japanese relaxation and meditation system that promotes wellness. From a relaxed state, with the support and guidance of an experienced Reiki practitioner, you can tap into your own innate ability to heal: physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

How does Reiki work?

Reiki with Katie Daly - Thich Nat Hanh quote

Hi, I’m Katie, a former nurse who found Reiki to be the holistic solution I was looking for

Reiki with Katie Daly - Volunteer Work

I come from a long line of compassionate, nurturing healthcare providers. I knew I wanted to be in a people-helping field, so nursing was a natural fit for me. I was especially drawn to comforting and supporting people with a cancer diagnosis or those approaching the end of life, as well as the family members and friends who loved them.

Even though I was in the medical field, I faced some challenges traditional medicine couldn’t help

After working as a nurse for many years, an illness that impeded my ability to walk resurfaced. At the same time, I was challenged with the physical and emotional stress of raising a special needs child while working and running a household. I learned about Reiki and started receiving Reiki treatments. Those treatments helped restore me back to balance and wellness. That experience left me amazed by the positive effects of Reiki that traditional medicine hadn’t helped. I emerged from that period knowing I wanted to learn Reiki to help myself, my family, and others.

I’m now a Reiki Master Teacher

Shortly after I was helped by Reiki, I began a course of training that enabled me to provide in-person and remote Reiki treatment sessions. I volunteered at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston for several years and now volunteer at NVNA and Hospice in Hingham, MA. I feel like I was always supposed to do this work!

I love helping people learn about and use this sacred energy to feel relaxed and restored. As a Reiki Master Teacher, I’ve reached the highest level of Reiki training. I can now teach others to become Reiki practitioners and Master Teachers themselves.

“Each session gave me release and lightness”

“I was lucky enough to be introduced and recommended to Katie Daly for Reiki at one of the lowest times in my life. Devastated by the loss of my 62-year-old husband in 2015, I was fortunate to try Reiki with Katie and she was amazing. Each session gave me such a much-needed release and lightness. She has such a great gift of healing and is so kind and empathetic. I highly recommend Katie.” - Angela B

Training and certifications

I practice traditional Japanese Reiki laid out by founder Mikao Usui.

  • 2012–2016: Usui Shiki Ryoho certification, Reiki I, II, and Reiki Master

  • 2016–2019: Usui Reiki Ryoho certification: Reiki I, II, and Reiki Master Teacher

  • Continuing education with the International House of Reiki with Frans Stiene

  • Member of the International Association of Reiki Practitioners

  • Member of the Massachusetts Reiki Community

Ready to start feeling better? Discover what Reiki can do for you.