Experience relief and restore balance emotionally, physically, and spiritually

Reiki energy healing sessions and classes help you find your joy again

What is Reiki?

Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) is a Japanese relaxation and meditation system that promotes wellness. As a Reiki Master Teacher, I can help you activate your innate healing ability and teach you how to help yourself and others.

Katie Daly, Reiki Master Teacher, Braintree, MA
Reiki with Katie Daly - Bird over water

Hi, I’m Katie, a former nurse turned Reiki Master Teacher

A debilitating physical condition, coupled with a high-stress life, led me to seek out Reiki treatments over 10 years ago. When I discovered how much it helped me—on all levels—I couldn’t wait to learn more and share this gift with others.

Grief, illness, anxiety, depression, stress...all can be helped by Reiki

Here are some examples from my own practice of people being helped by Reiki treatment sessions. It’s a great complement to traditional medicine or talk therapy.

  • A young woman I saw after her dad died suddenly felt such a relief after the Reiki session that she wanted to come back the next day.

  • A client with anxiety and depression was going through a rough patch. The medications she was prescribed took some time to become effective. Reiki helped her through the wait.

  • A client who had lost her husband to cancer felt lost in a web of sadness and despair. Reiki treatments helped her find peace within and the ability to move forward.

  • A client who was bogged down by negative energy felt her positive energy restored after Reiki treatments.

I’d love to introduce you to Reiki and give you the care you deserve