A time and space for you to be cared for

Reiki sessions are about activating healing energy and so much more

A Reiki session is all about you

Reiki energy is a sacred and spiritual energy that is available to all of us. With our human worries, fears, and anger, the energy can become disrupted, bringing about emotional and physical issues. As a trained Reiki practitioner, I have been attuned to be more receptive to the energy so I can help restore its natural flow. The energy can then help you as it’s meant to.

But your Reiki session isn’t just about supporting the energy to move as it needs to. It’s also your time to relax, be still, be heard, be understood, to cry, to release. As your practitioner, I hold the space for you to feel fully cared for so that Reiki can help you find your way back to balance and joy.

After a Reiki session, you may feel…






Less alone

Less pain


Insightful about problems

Clearer in your next steps

Doesn’t that sound good?

Reiki sessions held in person.

Reiki sessions can be held in person. For acute situations, you may find 2–3 sessions necessary. For ongoing wellness, once a month is often a helpful interval.

In-person sessions are held in Braintree, Massachusetts, just south of Boston. A private area is reserved for our session. You’ll lie on a massage table fully clothed in comfortable clothing. You can elect to have me gently place my hands on your body or opt for a hands-off approach where my hands do not touch your skin.

For those unable to travel, I can also arrange in-home visits around the South Shore and other areas close to Braintree, MA per referral.

“Reiki with Katie has allowed me to find the joy to move forward”

“I have found that Reiki with Katie has brought me both joy and happiness because it has allowed me to find inner peace. The Reiki treatments relaxed me and allowed for the release of my stress and anxiety. When I lost my husband to cancer, and COVID arrived as well, you can only imagine the stress and anxiety I experienced. I had heard about Reiki and finally located Katie Daly in Braintree, Mass. Reiki treatments with her have been beneficial to both my mind and body because it has allowed me to find peace within and the joy to want to move forward to find happiness. I was lost in a web of sadness and despair until I experienced Reiki with Katie. I highly recommend her.” - Gail

Reserving a Reiki session

Options available for in-person .

In-person sessions

60 minutes: $60

45 minutes: $45

Three 60-minute session package: $150

Location: 140 Wood Road, Suite 400 F, Braintree, MA

In-home appointments are available upon request

and by referral.


Due at time of treatment by check, cash, or Venmo.

Special considerations

Discounts for students and seniors.

Willing to discuss sliding-scale options.

Move through grief and loss to find your joy again

Reiki with Katie Daley - Live in the Joy